
FREEHOUSE: Radicalizing The Local

pretorialaan 141, rotterdam, Jan 2014

International Symposium, Workshops and Deliberations
Closing Conference for "Freehouse: Radicalizing The Local" & Handover to the Afrikaanderwijk Co-Op


Freehouse has focused since 1999 on the micro-urbanism emerging in small communities across the city. The project is based on inclusive urban development through community participation and self-organization and on co-operative cultural production as a means for economic and social growth.

In 2008 Freehouse became active in the Afrikaanderwijk in the south of Rotterdam. It tested new plans for the market and successfully setup several communal workshops. In order to secure the gathered capital and qualities for its inhabitants, Freehouse developed a skill-based neighborhood co-op that will take over its functions as from 2014.


During a public conference a group of international experts will exchange and explore knowledge on new organizational and economic forms. The program comprises a series of presentations, workshops, feedback sessions and discussions that closes with deliberations on the addressed subjects. The conference will close with the festive start of the neighborhood co-op.

9.30 - 17.30: New Organizational Forms
Matteo Lucchetti (Visible), Henk Oosterling (Rotterdam Vakmanstad), Rasmus Ugilt (Aarhus University), Dorothee Richter (Zurich University of the Arts), Eva Visser (kenniscentrum 010), Georg Zoche (Transnational Republic), Sue Bell Yanks (Social Practice), Tine De Moor (Institutions for Collective Action), Ethel Barahona (DPR-Barcelona)

9.30 - 17.30: New Economic Forms
Michael Birchall (University of Wolverhampton), Jaromil (NABA, Milan), Enric Duran Girait & Raquel Benedicto (Cooperativa Integral Catalana), Britt Jurgensen (HomeBaked Community Landtrust and Co-operative Backery), Pelin Tan (Mardin Artuklu University), Silvia Simoncelli (Brera Art Academy), Eli Feghali & Rachel Plattus (New Economics Institute), Christopher Robbins (Ghana Thinktank), Christian Pedro Medina (Yo Creo en Colombia), Jan Jongert (Superuse Studio)

9.30 - 15.30: Re/forming the Future
Arie Lengkeek (Air Foundation), Roel In ‘t Veld (professor governance and sustainability), Eli Feghali & Rachel Plattus (New Economics Institute),Aetzel Griffioen (Rotterdam Vakmanstad), Susanne Bosch (artist), Ailbhe Murphy & Ciaran Smyth (Vagabond Reviews), Elke Krasny (Academy of Fine Arts Vienna), Carolina Rito (Curator), Anastasia Kubrak (designer), Jeannette Petrik (researcher, writer & designer), Tamar Shafrir (designer), Lizzie MacWillie (Graduate School of Deign), Marcel Jongmans (enthousiasmeur), Sikko Clevinga (Call-XL)

15.30: Handover to Afrikaanderwijk Co-op

related project
Freehouse Zuid - Radicalizing the Local
Henk Oosterling on
Henk Oosterling on 'Skill is Will'
workshop at
workshop at 'Boeren in Zicht'
Workshop at
Workshop at 'Wijkatelier van Zuid'
Ethel Baraona questioning Tina de Moor
Ethel Baraona questioning Tina de Moor