CalendarGemaal op Zuid, May 2020
Wider Perspectives #6
Gemaal op Zuid, May 2020
With ‘Wider Perspectives’ Gemaal op Zuid in Rotterdam will present a series of exhibitions on its large wall. ‘Wider Perspectives’ questions what a wall can be. Does the wall offer a framework or are they to be broken? Is the wall blank or tainted? Black or white? The wall as lament. Pillar of the past or stronghold of the present? Blockade or building block? Billboard or protest board? With Wider Perspectives the wall serves as a canvas for a broader
perspective on the modern world and people in these times of transformation.
The map narrates Freehouse Radicalizing the Local (2008–2019), the story of the struggle for the right to live well in the Afrikaanderwijk neighborhood of Rotterdam. From 2008
onward Freehouse and the Afrikaanderwijk Cooperative has worked at inclusive urban
development #DevelopmentWithoutDisplacement through cultural and economic self-
organization. Radicalizing the Local shows the process of building a collaborative political economy by knitting together everyday cultural and economic practices into stronger
networks and urban unions, evolving into a new organizational form on the scale of
a neighborhood.
Running from June 20th to September 12th 2020
Met ‘Wider Perspectives’ presenteert het Gemaal op Zuid een serie tentoonstellingen op
de grote muur. ‘Wider Perspectives’ bevraagt wat een muur kan zijn. Biedt de muur kaders
of zijn die er om doorbroken te worden? Is de muur blanco of besmeurd? Zwart of wit?
De muur als klaagzang. Pilaren van het verleden of dragers van het heden? Blokkade of bouwsteen? Billboard of protestbord? Met ‘Wider Perspectives’ dient de muur als canvas voor een breder perspectief op de moderne wereld en mens in deze tijden van transformatie. Vertrekpunt voor elk muur is Rotterdam Zuid en het bevragen van haar historie, heden of transitie naar de toekomst vanuit verschillende thema’s. De tentoonstellingen op de muur verrijzen telkens zonder een officiële opening en kunnen op elkaar inspelen.
Deze map vertelt het verhaal van Freehouse Radicalizing the Local (2008–2019), over de strijd voor het recht op een goed leven in de Afrikaanderwijk in Rotterdam. Het kwam voort uit het samenwerkingsproject Freehouse (1998–doorlopend) in Rotterdam. Freehouse en de Afrikaanderwijk Cooperatie zetten deze aanpak al sinds 2008 in voor de Afrikaanderwijk en probeert de buurt te versterken door de gemeenschap actief te betrekken, door culturele en economische zelforganisatie en door inclusieve vormen van stadsontwikkeling. Radicalizing the Local laat zien hoe je toe kunt werken naar een collaboratieve politieke economie: door alledaagse informele culturele en economische handelingen samen te brengen in een
sterker netwerk en te verenigen in stedelijke bewegingen, kan een nieuwe vorm van
organiseren ontstaan op buurtniveau.
With ‘Wider Perspectives’ Gemaal op Zuid in Rotterdam will present a series of exhibitions on its large wall. ‘Wider Perspectives’ questions what a wall can be. Does the wall offer a framework or are they to be broken? Is the wall blank or tainted? Black or white? The wall as lament. Pillar of the past or stronghold of the present? Blockade or building block? Billboard or protest board? With Wider Perspectives the wall serves as a canvas for a broader
perspective on the modern world and people in these times of transformation.
The map narrates Freehouse Radicalizing the Local (2008–2019), the story of the struggle for the right to live well in the Afrikaanderwijk neighborhood of Rotterdam. From 2008
onward Freehouse and the Afrikaanderwijk Cooperative has worked at inclusive urban
development #DevelopmentWithoutDisplacement through cultural and economic self-
organization. Radicalizing the Local shows the process of building a collaborative political economy by knitting together everyday cultural and economic practices into stronger
networks and urban unions, evolving into a new organizational form on the scale of
a neighborhood.
Running from June 20th to September 12th 2020
Met ‘Wider Perspectives’ presenteert het Gemaal op Zuid een serie tentoonstellingen op
de grote muur. ‘Wider Perspectives’ bevraagt wat een muur kan zijn. Biedt de muur kaders
of zijn die er om doorbroken te worden? Is de muur blanco of besmeurd? Zwart of wit?
De muur als klaagzang. Pilaren van het verleden of dragers van het heden? Blokkade of bouwsteen? Billboard of protestbord? Met ‘Wider Perspectives’ dient de muur als canvas voor een breder perspectief op de moderne wereld en mens in deze tijden van transformatie. Vertrekpunt voor elk muur is Rotterdam Zuid en het bevragen van haar historie, heden of transitie naar de toekomst vanuit verschillende thema’s. De tentoonstellingen op de muur verrijzen telkens zonder een officiële opening en kunnen op elkaar inspelen.
Deze map vertelt het verhaal van Freehouse Radicalizing the Local (2008–2019), over de strijd voor het recht op een goed leven in de Afrikaanderwijk in Rotterdam. Het kwam voort uit het samenwerkingsproject Freehouse (1998–doorlopend) in Rotterdam. Freehouse en de Afrikaanderwijk Cooperatie zetten deze aanpak al sinds 2008 in voor de Afrikaanderwijk en probeert de buurt te versterken door de gemeenschap actief te betrekken, door culturele en economische zelforganisatie en door inclusieve vormen van stadsontwikkeling. Radicalizing the Local laat zien hoe je toe kunt werken naar een collaboratieve politieke economie: door alledaagse informele culturele en economische handelingen samen te brengen in een
sterker netwerk en te verenigen in stedelijke bewegingen, kan een nieuwe vorm van
organiseren ontstaan op buurtniveau.
- Sep '23The Schadow of the Moon
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- Aug '23It’s OK… Doubt-circle #6
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- Jun '23Artist Talk: Amsterdam Art Week
- Jun '23It's OK... Cirkel 1: Tanaqush: The Chiselling of Collectivity #1
- May '23It's OK... Twijfel-cirkel #1
- May '23It's OK...commoning uncertainties (Celebratory Start)
- Apr '23UPS: Ultradependent Public School - Trainings
- Jul '22Community Wellbeing Collective (C.W.C.) present 'Watch this Space' at Edinburgh Art Festival
- Jul '22EAF Opening Keynote Lecture
- Jun '22Book launch 'Toward the Not-Yet: Art as Public Practice' at Hopscotch Reading Room
- Apr '22Workshop at Bureau Ruimtekoers
- Mar '22Constellations ° Assemblies Online Event Programme
- Feb '22Radio Paleis Maashaven #2, Harboring the Social - On Sculptures Internationally and the Messiness of Public Practice
- Sep '21Public Faculty no.14 What are you invested in?
- Sep '21Current - SYMPOSIUM: Art and urban space – in assembly
- Jun '21Situated Knowledges Conference
- Mar '21Soft launch 'Training for the Not-Yet - a collective online publishing platform'
- Feb '21'A Homebaked kinda of day'
- Nov '20workshop and lecture at Making Matters Symposium
- Nov '20AfA Masterclass Series: Institutional Collapse
- Nov '20TRANSITION: The Already Not-Yet – Becoming Collective
- Jun '20Qanat Cura
- May '20Wider Perspectives #6
- May '20Training for the Not-Yet: Protocols in the Making
- May '20A Call for New Organizational and Collective Forms After COVID19
- Apr '20Practicing Tactical Solidarities: A Roundtable on Mutual Aid, Emergency, and Continuous Care
- Jan '20Trainings for the Not-Yet (14 Sep 2019–12 Jan 2020)
- Dec '19#TFTNY - Closing dinner with Bakudapan Food Study Group
- Dec '19#TFTNY 22 - Kitchen Atlases Training with Bakudapan
- Dec '19#TFTNY - International Migrant Day: a walk by the Basic Activist Kitchen
- Dec '19#TFTNY 20 - Exploring Untimely Togetherness Training with Beatrice Catanzaro
- Dec '19#TFTNY 21 - Training for the Underwater(ed) Land with Qanat
- Dec '19#TFTNY 19 - Propositions #10: Instituting Otherwise Training and symposium with Maria Hlavajova and Laura Raicovich
- Dec '19#TFTNY 18 - Disrupting Neoliberal Urban Governance: New Organizational Forms for the Immediate Future Training with Urban Front (David Harvey and Miguel Robles-Durán)
- Nov '19#TFTNY 16 - An investigation into collective work-processes for self-determination Training with Hamada al-Joumah and Yasmine Eid-Sabbagh
- Nov '19#TFTNY 17 - QFCPSSBBXOXO: Queer and Feminist Physical and Critical Self-Defense and Support Bloc of Bodies Training with a subdivision of To Be Determined (Clara Balaguer and Gabriel Fontana)
- Nov '19#TFTNY 15 - Community Futurisms Training with Black Quantum Futurism
- Nov '19#TFTNY 14 - Propositions #9: Propositions #9: Deserting from the Culture Wars Trainings, lectures, and panel discussions, co-convened with Sven Lütticken
- Nov '19#TFTNY 13 - (New) Formats of Care in Times of Violence
- Nov '19Training for the Not-Yet lecture - Oslo
- Nov '19#TFTNY 12 - Voices of New Women
- Oct '19#TFTNY 11 - A Week By & For: Designing Inclusive Spaces
- Oct '19#TFTNY 10 - Open Access: Organizing Accessibility from the Grassroots
- Oct '19#TFTNY 8 - Decommodifying Housing: How to Get There?
- Oct '19#TFTNY 9 - The Diego de la Vega Coffee Co-op Autumn School Training with Fran Ilich
- Oct '19#TFTNY 7 - Care, Accountability, and Relation Training with Whitney Stark
- Oct '19#TFTNY 6 - Say YES to Consent Training with Laced-Up Project
- Oct '19#TFTNY 4 - Each Step Yields Depth Training with Chloë Bass
- Oct '19#TFTNY 5 - More than Friends Training with Staci Bu Shea
- Oct '19#TFTNY 3 - Mad About Study Training with Joy Mariama Smith
- Sep '19#TFTNY 2 - Unforgetting & Reconnecting: Story Mapping Training with Nancy Jouwe en/and Denise Valentine
- Sep '19#TFTNY 1 - Proscenium–Performing Institutions Training with Adelita Husni-Bey
- Jun '19Propositions #8: I Wanna Be Adored (the Non-Fascist Remix)
- Jun '19Yallah Sabaya
- Jun '19Public Faculty no. 13
- May '19With For About: Art & Democracy
- May '19Symposium at Hospitalhof Stuttgart - 24-hour opening event
- Apr '19Let’s Mobilize for a Europe We Want: Voices of New Women
- Mar '19ON COMMON[ING] VISIONS __ Meet the Neighbours / QANAT symposium
- Mar '19Utrecht for Her: Voices of New Women
- Feb '19“On Belongings and the Politics of Relation” Lecture at Harvard University
- Jan '19Workshop at E-flux journal and Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art present “Exile”
- Dec '18Public lecture at Fashion held in Common
- Nov '18Lecture at Hardcore This-That (WdKA Social Practices)
- Oct '18BAK Fellowship 2018/2019
- Sep '18HNI, Thursday Night Workshop - Radicalizing the local
- Sep '18TALK with Nato Thompson: Culture as Weapon
- Sep '18Valletta Curatorial School
- Jul '18'Beyond Anthropocene' Banff Research in Culture (BRiC)
- Jul '18Floating University Berlin workshop
- May '18Speaking at Revisiting Black Mountain: Cross-discinplinary Experiments and Their Potential For Democratization (in Times of Post-Democracy)
- Feb '18Toward Sanctuary Summits
- Sep '17Speaking at Does Art Have Users?
- Sep '17It runs in the Neighbourhood shown in KØS Copenhagen
- Jul '17Philadelphia Assembled moves from the city to the museum
- Sep '16Speaker at MUSEUM AS SCORE
- Jun '16Social Harbor Workshop - IABR the Next Economy
- Jun '16Projects A-E: Celebrating the Art + Social Justice Working Group
- Apr '15Speaker at Cooperative Cities
- Jun '14Lunch talk at Sundown Schoolhouse
- May '14Panel Urban Unions in Creative Alternatives to Capitalism Conference
- Apr '14The Value of Nothing (group exhibition at TENT)
- Mar '14Panel Global communities and critical citizenship: Citizenship and artists’ practice
- Jan '14Lecture at DISPOSITIFS POST- | S+W+I
- Sep '13Speaker at Social Design - Public Action
- Jun '13Public Faculty no. 7
- May '13Lecture at B-open symposium in Bergen
- May '13Presenting at Social Justice and The City conference
- May '13Participant in MOMA's Contemporary Art Forum
- Apr '13Lecture at IHME festival Helsinki
- Feb '13Lecture at 'The Brixton Exchange'
- Jan '13Lecture and guest teacher at the Design Academy Eindhoven
- Jan '13Lecture and workshop at Post-Graduate programme in Curating
- Jan '13Lezing in de cyclus 'De stad is niet van gisteren'
- Nov '12Socially Engaged Art Practice Retreat
- Nov '122012 Curry Stone Design Prize Award Ceremony and Lecture
- Nov '12Lecture for program Urban Ecologies at New School
- Nov '12Lecture at 'Art Questions',12th ELIA Biennial Conference in Vienna
- Nov '12Workshop 'City (Re)Searches' in Cork
- Nov '12Lecture and workshop at 'Communities of _________'.
- Oct '12Visit Bristol
- Oct '12Filming Anfield Home Tour
- Oct '12Finissage Parkdesign